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Sega Graphics Libraries
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 22:29:02 GMT
From: Dustin Cushman ( How does the SGL work?
I was hoping maybe someone at Sega like Mike could tell us exactly what the SGL does and how it works? What improvements does it make to the system, and how does it improve the overall performance of the system?
Re: Question: How does the SGL work? (Dustin Cushman)
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 04:01:35 GMT
From: Michael Latham (@ SGL (Sega Graphic Library)
Okay, What is SGL.
Well the Sega graphic library is a set of code routines that allow us and the third party developers to increase the Saturn performance of polygons, textures, and resolution compared to prior Saturn games we have done.
You see, the Saturn and other 32-bit machines are very complicated. It takes a lot of time and talent to develop the 3-D engines that make some of the great games you play.
The idea of the SGL is to develop a set of these routines once instead of everyone having to do it each time they start to develop a game. So the SGL is given to all the new teams that are starting Saturn games so they can concentrate on just making the game rather than spending all their time developing the engine to make the game possible.
An example of the value it brings will be seen in VF2. The game will run at 60 fields per second at a resolution of 704 x 480, which is double the horizontal resolution of VF1. In addition, you'll see more polygons and improved textures.
I hope this explanation helps answer your question.
Michael Latham
Group Director, Omega Group
Sega of America
Re: Feedback: SGL (Sega Graphic Library) (Michael Latham)
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 18:47:16 GMT
From: Dustin Cushman ( about SGLs Polygon performance
Thanks! Your responce does help me understand the SGL a better. One last question, Magazines have stated the SGL can do 180,000 textured polygons at 60 frames per second. Is that true ?
Re: Feedback: SGL (Sega Graphic Library) (Michael Latham)
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 1995 04:31:26 GMT
From: ( 60 fields or frames per second?
Mike Latham said that it would be 60 fields per second. I was told that this is not the same as frames per second, and that it will not look as smooth as if it were 60 frames.
Please comment on this. Is it 60 fields or frames, and what is the difference?
Re: Question: 60 fields or frames per second?
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 1995 14:57:51 GMT
From: Dustin Cushman ( As it applies to VF2 ?
I also would like to know how this applies to VF2? Will VF2 be 60 Fields per Second or 60 Frames per Second?
Re: Question: As it applies to VF2 ? (Dustin Cushman)
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 20:46:17 GMT
From: Michael Latham ()A VF2 Reponse
Fields. Frames wouldn't be possible at its resolution due to limits of NTSC.
Michael Latham
Sega of America
Re: A VF2 Reponse (Michael Latham)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 17:31:31 GMT
From: Nameless (No e-mail address)What's the difference?
What's the difference between a field and a frame. Is it noticeable?
Re: A VF2 Reponse (Michael Latham)
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 05:23:39 GMT
From: Paul Middler ( not at 60 Frames per second? has been reported on IGOnline that a representative from Sega told them that VF2 would be running at 60 fields per second AND 60 frames per second. Sega would perform this feat by having different frames on the even and odd fields of the interlaced display. That means the fields per second would match the frames per second even though you don't get a complete (just the even or odd lines) frame with each scan of the electron beam. This technological feat has been widely reported and is one of the selling points of VF2. If this is wrong, then please clear up the matter for us all.
Re: Question: 60 fields or frames per second?
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 14:40:13 GMT From: Nameless ( vs. frames
60 fields per second is the way normal NTSC video works, and is the best you can get on a TV. A field is "every other" scan line. So each frame is divided up into two fields, one with the odd numbered scan lines, and one with the even ones. With a video camera, the second field is actually a bit later in time than the first field of a frame, and games that simulate this will look a bit smoother than games that do not.
Confusion arises because the frame rate of the game and the TV are not necessarily the same. To generate a 60 field/sec display on TV, the game has to calculate 60 frames/sec.
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 02:30:26 GMT
From: Ed Moutinho ( is the sega graphics library?
What is this sega graphics library? I heard it will be used with VF2. I also heard that it will improve the graphics dramatically. I saw pictures of VF2 made by AM2 with the old system and they looked okay, then I saw pictures of the AM3 version using the sega graphics library. The AM3 pictures looked much better. All I want to know is if this new system will make a big difference. Will it make Daytona look exactly like the arcade (removal of sawtooth edges)?
Re: What is the sega graphics library?
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 19:36:53 GMT
From: Red Ronin ( Sega Graphics Libraries
I believe that when the term Sega Graphics Libraries is mentioned they are talking about either programming techniques that are built in to the Saturn or the development system for Saturn that allow software developers to more easily access the power of the unit.
If so, those graphics libraries would include a way to define an area of pixels on the screen and remove, resize, rotate or replace them with something else automatically. Another option that might be available is the ability to define certain types of polygons with a single command - circle, oval, rectangle, triangle or multi-sided with a minimum of effort. You might also be able to use those libraries to define a specific three-dimensional object and it's proportions - cube, cylinder, cone or sphere.
If these libraries are available to programmers, they don't have to spend all their time reinventing the wheel every time they want to do something that is quite simple to implement in the hardware they are working with.
Clatu Verata Nicto,
Red Ronin, The Cybernetic Samurai
P.S. Geez, it sure would be nice if someone gives me a job answering these questions.
Re: Feedback: Sega Graphics Libraries (Red Ronin)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 22:00:08 GMT
From: Ed Moutinho ( Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the information on the sega graphics library, Red. Now I know what it actually is.
Ed Moutinho
Re: Feedback: Sega Graphics Libraries (Red Ronin)
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 04:59:06 GMT
From: The Saturnman ( Well, I have some new found respect for you, Samurai...
Getting paid answering all those repetive questions, man, that's the first intelligent thought I've heard on this bulletin board. Cybernetic Samurai, I feel we have a connection here.
The Saturnman
Re: Agree: Well, I have some new found respect for you, Samurai... (The Saturnman)
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 20:45:11 GMT
From: Red Ronin ( TENQVellimutch!
Why thank you very much. Your support is appreciated.
"Ok, you owe me a nickel, I copyrighted that while you weren't looking", Garfield Logan - The New Teen Titans
Red Ronin, The Cybernetic Samurai
P.S. NO, I was not making fun of The Saturnman's name with the title of this post.
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