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Nintendo Ultra 64
Fact, Fiction or Fantasy?
Ultra 64 VS. Saturn
Part IV
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 22:56:20 GMT
From: Mr. Hockey (No e-mail address)Nice consumer opinions, but now for some facts....
I've read a lot of different opinions on the different 32-bit systems (and the Ultra is a 32bit system), but have yet to hear anything from someone who actually has work technically with them. Anyone out there have any real hands on technical knowledge of these machines??? Yes, No....
Well then here are a few comments from someone who has worked with all three machines.
Polygons; The PSX and Saturn are too close to give either and edge. If you just want alot of basic polygons then the PSX has a slight advantage, if you want to do a game with a set ground then the Saturn has a large advantage with its VDP-2 processor that allows you to do the rotating playfield with the second processor without having to slow down the main processor. This means that sport type games with a set ground will be easier to do on the Saturn than on the PSX (that doesn't mean that they will be better, just that they "can" be better).
Sound; Both the Saturn and PSX are simular. The Ultra without a CD won't be able to have the same amount as a CD based game. This current doesn't seem like much, but if you've checked out the NHL Allstar Hockey Saturn music then you have to understand that this took "alot" of space. Things like voice, full music tracks, and large digital sound samples take up a great deal of space. Programming code takes a very small amount space (not a problem for an Ultra cart game), but if you like to have music and alot of digitized sound effects then you have to have a CD based game. I see this as being more important as time goes on and developers use better music. Just think of having a game with an original title song by the Rolling Stones or Boys-2-Men.
Video; If anyone is interested in having video in a game then Saturn is the machine. The new Duck 24 bit stuff is currently the best around. I expect Sony will have something simuliar in the future, but I've yet to see anything. As for the Ultra, without a CD video isn't much of an option.
Save Memory; This I see as the greatest shortfall of the PSX. It has no memory to save info in the basic system. The Saturn has only 32k, but this allows for basic saving so that you don't have to remember passwords. The first time you lose your password for a game that you have been playing, you will wish that you had some basic memory in your machine. The Saturn also has an advantage in that its memory card is 512k with a price around $49 and the PSX is 128k with a price around $29. Once you start saving sport seasons or SimWorld type games you'll find that 128k will be used up very quickly. I'm still waiting for someone to come out with a floppy drive so that you could save as much as you wanted without any limits.
Gameplay; All three machine will be able to give you the same basic gameplay experience. It won't be the machine as much as the games that will tell the difference. So far the PSX appears to be the game developers favorite, so you can expect to see alot of PSX games in the future. The Saturn is more of the machine of choice for those developers that wish to do more advanced games and need basic save memory or alot of save memory. As for the Ultra, this currently appears to be a basic machine for action gamers that want standard quick to learn arcade games (not to say that this isn't a large market).
Current Games; I'm still surprised with the good comments that I've heard about all of the current PSX games. Personally I don't think any of them are great. Most are OK at best. Then again I tend to have higher standards than most people that are just looking for a quick easy game to play. Some people love paintings of dogs playing poker on black velvet, but my tastes tend to be a bit different. The current Saturn games have yet to hit the full 32-bit potential, but I do think that they are at least better than the old 16 bit games. (Does anyone think that NHL Faceoff is better than NHL 96? I myself do like NHL Allstar Hockey on the Satun better than NHL 96 as do others that have left comments in the sports lockeroom.)
Good, Bad, the Best. I think that all 3 machines are good and that there will be great software for all of them. Each machine will attrack different types of people. What people should concentrate on is the software that is coming out for their machine and make sure that they get the best that can be put out for the price they pay.
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 15:36:31 -0800 (PST)
From: ExoByte (, other stuff
Well, Mr. Ronin, I finaly made it to your website. First of all, I would like to point out one of the biggest irks I have with you. Your top argument is that is NU64 does not, in its first (and all) games, generate graphics which blow away reboot, you will not be happy. While this may never happen, i would like to point out a few major things:
1. NU64 does(and will) have better graphics and sound than PSX or Saturn
2. It costs less.
So while you have the highest standards for NU64 you will never be happy.
Look at the movie for Ultra Mario. This is the demo version which did NOT use a few of the features of Nu64 (anti-aliasing for one) It has better graphics than anything I have seen on Saturn (or PSX). This is also the FIRST game out for it. Look at the difference between VF1 and VF2 on saturn. in just those few months, Suzuki was able to squeeze a whole bunch more out of the saturn. (i no longer here reports of polygons disapeering) However, it is not arcade perferct (no bridge in Shun's stage, lower polygon count) and the quality will only get better. This will also happen on NU64. Mario, when compared to later Nu64 titles (hopefuly ultra metroid or ultra icarus :) will probably be comprable between VF1 and VF2. Look at the difference between games like altered beast and mario world 1 to VectorMan and DKC2 and Yoshi's Island.
One more question.. I am not as veresed in the ways of rat tracing, ect as you are.. you say it takes 3 hours for a sun station to raytrace a frame?? At my colege on a SGI Lotus (i think) we brought up a jet fighter object, had it move around in a background someone had set up, and were able to add, move, and change several light sources while it still rendered along at (about) 45 fps.. Is this something completely different form ray tracing?? I though ray tracing was having the color and texture of objects change in reaction to different light sources and transparencies. (which the demo I saw was doing). If that IS raytracing, why can't a NU64, which is more powerful graphics-wise than the lotus(right name?) machine do real time ray tracing?????
Just some ramblings from a "blind nintendo fanatic"
--- \/ e/\oByte ---
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 16:55:00 -0800 (PST)
From: Red Ronin ( am not your enemy...
Hi, ExoByte!
At 03:36 PM 1/14/96 -0800, ExoByte wrote:
Well, Mr. Ronin, I finaly made it to your website. First of all, I would like to point out one of the biggest irks I have with you. Your top argument is that is NU64 does not, in its first (and all) games, generate graphics which blow away reboot, you will not be happy. While this may never happen, i would like to point out a few major things:
The reason I feel that way is because when Nintendo began their print ad campaign for Donkey Kong Country, they used a very misleading format which included pictures taken directly from the SGI machines. Also, any pictures given to magazines (Diehard Gamefan, EGM, GamePro and Video Games) used large pictures of Mario and of Donkey Kong that were taken directly from SGI workstations that were declared to be examples of what GAMES would look like on the U64. Not demos or intro screens, GAMES. THAT'S WHAT NINTENDO SAID, OVER AND OVER FOR THREE YEARS! Why should I not expect them to deliver? Because I knew they were lying as usual. Check out my post "If you don't trust Sega..." in the Saturn bulletin board (at #302, I think) for my feelings about Nintendo and the hype over PlaySation.
1. NU64 does (and will) have better graphics and sound than PSX or Saturn
2. It costs less.
I never said this would not be the case - I said it would not be as good as promised, for the price. Remember, the Ultra64 was not promised to have graphics that were merely 'better' in a marginal fashion, but instead tremendously better to the extent of offering an entirely new game experience. Seeing as for the past three years Nintendo has been giving still pictures from SGI Workstations to magazines and ad agencies and telling the world U64 games would "...look just like this!", by my estimation, after seeing how much better PlayStation and Saturn games look as compared to SNES and Genesis, in order to offer a significant jump in technology and gaming experience, and based upon the proposed specifications of the system, the U64 was indeed promised to offer full 3D playing environments on par with or in excess of those shown in the GAMES on the show REBOOT.
So while you have the highest standards for NU64 you will never be happy.
Look, I told you before - I will be happy when Nintendo delivers.
Look at the movie for Ultra Mario. This is the demo version which did NOT usea few of the features of Nu64 (anti-aliasing for one) It has better graphics than anything I have seen on Saturn (or PSX). This is also the FIRST game out for it. Look at the difference between VF1 and VF2 on saturn. in just those few months, Suzuki was able to squeeze a whole bunch more out of the saturn. (i no longer here reports of polygons disapeering) However, it is not arcade perferct (no bridge in Shun's stage, lower polygon count) and the quality will only get better. This will also happen on NU64. Mario, when compared to later Nu64 titles (hopefuly ultra metroid or ultra icarus :) will probably be comprable between VF1 and VF2. Look at the difference between games like altered beast and mario world 1 to VectorMan and DKC2 and Yoshi's Island.
Amazing - that is precisely the point I have made to so many people regarding PlayStation vs. Saturn. You are absolutely correct, and I agree - games will always get better with time. I usually compare 'Altered Beast' on Genesis to 'Alladin' or 'Earthworm Jim'. However, Nintendo has led the public to believe that the reason for the delays in creating, or releasing a new game system was to perfect a complete roster of software. They have said that their software would offer a gaming experience beyond any ever offered before. While the potential is always there for improvement, I don't see that as the case NOW. We have been waiting a long time for the Ultra64 and I don't believe that people who have purchased a PlayStation or Saturn are particularly brain dead for their choice. If you see games you want to wait for, DO. If you see games you want to play NOW, DO.
By the way, the only system capable of delivering to the home 'ARCADE PERFECT' conversions of today's arcade games is the Neo-Geo, since the exact same hardware and software is used in the arcade and at home. There is a possibility that 3DO and PlayStation hardware will be placed in arcades, thus in those cases, software from those arcade systems would also be arcade perfect when brought to the home. Those are not of course, truly 'conversions' anyway - what's there to convert? Just stick in the game and play. For all your snubbing of VF and VF2 each of their conversions to Saturn were much closer to the arcade original than Killer Instinct for the SNES.
One more question.. I am not as veresed in the ways of rat tracing, ect as you are.. you say it takes 3 hours for a sun station to raytrace a frame?? At my colege on a SGI Lotus (i think) we brought up a jet fighter object, had it move around in a background someone had set up, and were able to add, move, and change several light sources while it still rendered along at (about) 45 fps.. Is this something completely different form ray tracing?? I though raytracing was having the color and texture of objects change in reaction todifferent light sources and transparencies. (which the demo I saw was doing). If that IS raytracing, why can't a NU64, which is more powerful graphics- wise than the lotus (right name?) machine do real time ray tracing?????
Clarification: Perhaps I did not say specifically that I was talking about the generation of an entire SCENE not merely a single object floating in a void with a few light sources shining on it. I used scenes like those from the TV show REBOOT as my examples, because I felt those would be representative of what Nintendo hoped to accomplish with their new system. A key example of this now would be those scenes generated frame by frame on SGI workstations for the movie Toy Story - if you look at the various 'making of the movie' specials that have been on television since the movie came out, you see that the director and technicians do realtime animation and raytracing of simplified individual elements of a scene, but that when an entire scene is constructed it takes MUCH longer. So, there are static shots of complete scenes from the actual movie because that type of rendering cannot be done in realtime from scratch during animation. The Ultra 64 will not be more powerful than any SGI workstation on earth.
One example of this is how Air Combat on the PlayStation (though done VERY well) is FAR from being arcade perfect - much of the game is completely different in implementation from the arcade version.
Just some ramblings from a "blind nintendo fanatic" --- \/ e/\oByte ---I am not, nor have I ever been your arch-nemesis. You have presented your opinions in a very straightforward and reasonable fashion in this letter and I appreciate that. I honestly do hope Nintendo's new system comes out and does well in the market because I see that as being good for the industry. I think it would be a bad idea for there to be one worldwide standard for a video game console because that would lead to stagnation in software development just as it did in the early eighties with all the different Atari 2600 clones. I believe that strong competition between all current and potential major players is necessary to preserve this medium of entertainment.
Confession: I am truly amazed by what has been accomplished with polygon-based games in the past year. Three years ago, when I first heard that the next generation of gaming systems would be primarily of polygon-based games, I was horrified. I figured that all the games would be slow, unimaginitive and relatively colorless. I am happy to see they are actually a lot better than I had hoped - though still not yet as good as any had promised.
History: The biggest reason why I do not fall prey to hype over any new technological advance in a consumer product is that I have in the past. Ten years ago, the reviews of computer systems in the major magazines touted the speed and precision of 12 Mhz IBM PC-ATs as being nearly god-like. Today, 100 MHz Pentium PCs actually possess the level of speed raved over way back when. I tell you man, I am a power user and NO computer has ever been fast enough to satisfy me - yes, it is fair to say I have very high standards. I do.
You are welcome to visit my site anytime you wish. You need not learn to be my enemy before learning to be my friend.
Red Ronin, The Cybernetic Samurai
Date: Fri Jan 19 14:29:04 MST 1996
From: Midknight ( NU64 simply isn't worth it
The NU64 just isn't worth it. Why?
Nintendo waited far too long this time. Someone may jump up and say well the SNES came out after the Genesis, and it was still successful. Well, the SNES came out a few months after the Genesis. Besides that, it really only had one system to compete with (sorry NEC). Now, it has the Saturn and the Playstation to deal with. Most consumers already own one of the two, and aren't going to run out and buy the NU64 on top of these.
Second, the NU64 is a cartridge machine. Great big mistake! Cartridges are much more expensive, and hold much less, than a CD. The first few games on cartridge will only be betwewn 64 and 128 megaBITS. With CD's, we're talking about megaBYTES, eight times a megaBIT. People complain about thirty seconds of access time. Good grief! I can live with 30 seconds of access time for a great game. It all depends on when this access time occurs. A good programmer can make sure that this happens during breaks in game- play, and not in the middle of gameplay. In additon, consumers will end up paying for the far more expensive cartridges: $70 - $100 as opposed to $40 to $70 for CD's.
Third, the major developers are already focusing primarily on the Saturn and PSX. Do you think that they will try to focus attention on creating games for three big systems? I think that once developers see the aggressive moves Sega is making in gaining a lot of Sony exclusives in addtion to their own, in addition to a possible M2 upgrade for the Saturn, the Saturn will eventually be the platform of choice.
And that is all, in my humble opine.
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 1996 11:50:14 -0500 (EST)
From: Kiran Yarid (oma00056@WVNVM.WVNET.EDU)Freaks......
I just wanted to give my imput about the disscussion about what is the best console system....or what ever you'd like to call it....that is posted on your web page. I would just like to say first of all although I havent read all of the posts that are on your Web Page but I would like to interject one point: "YOU ARE ALL FREAKS".
After reading the last line you are probally thinking I'm just going to flame you and/or the people that wrote the messages that you posted on your web page...if this is what you are thinking then your half right.
A few of the messages are based on fact....but most are based on Biased Fact. Like ,".....GAMES. THAT'S WHAT NINTENDO SAID, OVER AND OVER FOR THREE YEARS! Why should I not expect them to deliver? Because I knew they were lying as usual.....", what the hell are you talking about? Are you spaeking of the fact that Nintendo of America seems to come out with there systems much Later than any other major Console Company? The reason for this is wait so they can one up there competitors and so they can Hype there system more. and Maby now your gonna say thats why Nintendo sucks right....WRONG!...that is why every money grubbing power hungry coperation in america or anywhere else in the world SUCKS! SONY SUCKS NINTENDO SUCKS AND SEGA SUCKS
Also the CD's used by both the Saturn and the PSX are aprox. 35 mins in legenth which means they can only hold 340 MB at the most, and the NU64's Carts are goning to be more than that. Also what was posted about the PSX and the Saturn being very close to the same quality....Wrong the PSX Has 10 times better sound and has an onboard Cashe for every system function call and a 32-bit RISC processor running at 33Mhz as the main Processing unit and a 32-bit standard processor running as the Graphics Processing unit as opposed to the standard Instruction processor that is found in the Saturn running at 20Mhz as the CPU! But you are right...the NU64 is a 32 bit system......but it uses Dual 32-bit RISC CPU's hence the 64 after the NU.
The NU64 is going to make the Saturn look the same the SNES made the Genesis look...and its going to be better than the PSX.
The arugement you are all having sounds like that bullshit argument that I used to have with my friends that made up excuses why Genesis's looked like shit after the SNES came out. The SNES is better than the genesis....why? becuase it came out a few years later. Sega is almost always the first to spew out there products...and Nintendo waits and watches untill its a few steps ahead of the other systems out there (expecially Sega) then it releases its system....which is why they are always better.
Anyway It Seems to me that the only reason why Sega is selling is becuase of its comericals (which are quite good). But pritty soon its sales will start dropping off to the PSX and NU64 (when it comes out) just like the Genesis's dropped drastically when the SNES came out, then Sega will start making up shit to make there system look better ,like remember Blast processing? Segas answer to the FX chip. Well the FX chip was real, it was a clock speed doubler chip,and heatsink that was in the game cart and blast processing was and is well....NOTHING.
Now I'm going to stop going off now....but please before you bash a system or praise another get some Technical schematics and compare.
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 1996 13:22:00 (PST)
From: Red Ronin ('Biased Facts' and Flame Retardent Suits
Hi, Kiran!
At 11:50 AM 2/5/96 -0500, Kiran Yarid wrote:
I just wanted to give my imput about the disscussion about what is the best console system....or what ever you'd like to call it....that is posted on your web page. I would just like to say first of all although I havent read all of the posts that are on your Web Page but I would like to interject one point: "YOU ARE ALL FREAKS".Yes, it's quite obvious you haven't read all my mosts on the subject of the ProjectReality/Ultra64/Nonexistent64/Nintendo64... Apparently you have only read my post under "The Ultra64 Debate Continues". Go back to my homepage, read ALL the articles there under 'Nintendo's Ultra64: Fact, Fiction or Fantasy?'. There you will find my responses to several of the points you have brought up here. All the other Nintendites out there have already brought up the same points and been thwarted for their inaccuracy.
After reading the last line you are probally thinking I'm just going to flame you and/or the people that wrote the messages that you posted on your web page...if this is what you are thinking then your half right.
Nope, I'm 100% right. You didn't agree with any of my points in this entire letter. Don't worry though, I wear a flame retardent suit at the keyboard...
A few of the messages are based on fact....but most are based on Biased Fact. Like ,".....GAMES. THAT'S WHAT NINTENDO SAID, OVER AND OVER FOR THREE YEARS! Why should I not expect them to deliver? Because I knew they were lying as usual.....", what the hell are you talking about? Are you spaeking of the fact that Nintendo of America seems to come out with there systems much Later than any other major Console Company? The reason for this is wait so they can one up there competitors and so they can Hype there system more. and Maby now your gonna say thats why Nintendo sucks right....WRONG!...that is why every money grubbing power hungry coperation in america or anywhere else in the world SUCKS! SONY SUCKS NINTENDO SUCKS AND SEGA SUCKS
As for the concept of 'biased fact' - I don't think so. I think that everything I have said about Nintendo has been fair and truthful. I have admitted what my biases are and why I have them based upon FACT. BUT, my willingness to point out the FACTS about the technology that will be in the Nintendo64 has nothing to do with bias and everything to do with seeking the truth. Fact is, Nintendo DID want everyone in the world to BELIEVE they would have Silicon Graphics Workstations in their homes for only $250 each. Surely you'll admit their marketing has said so for the past three years? Fact is, Nintendo advertised "Who needs a new system?", and their CEO in the US said the Super Nintendo was "as powerful as PlayStation and Saturn..." He did, really! No pal, my observations are based upon 'ACTUAL FACT' not contrived or biased pipe dreams.
I like your point about the corporations, all of them being insidious. I must agree.
Also the CD's used by both the Saturn and the PSX are aprox. 35 mins in legenth which means they can only hold 340 MB at the most, and the NU64's Carts are goning to be more than that. Also what was posted about the PSX and the Saturn being very close to the same quality....Wrong the PSX Has 10 times better sound and has an onboard Cashe for every system function call and a 32-bit RISC processor running at 33Mhz as the main Processing unit and a 32-bit standard processor running as the Graphics Processing unit as opposed to the standard Instruction processor that is found in the Saturn running at 20Mhz as the CPU! But you are right...the NU64 is a 32 bit system......but it uses Dual 32-bit RISC CPU's hence the 64 after the NU.
Uhh, No. Just like with audio CDs there is no rule that says 100% of a CD-ROM must be filled with data before you can release a game. No one has ever said 'Every PlayStation and Saturn game will be in excess of 500 Megabytes (MB)!" All that has ever been said is that the total capacity of a CD-ROM (approximately 650 MB) is substantially higher than the initial total capacity for Nintendo64 cartridges (8 MB). Eventually, Nintendo64 cartridges will be 16 MB, and rumor has it that a bulky magneto optic drive will be available that holds 150 MB capacity. Nintendo64 games will be compressed at a 4:1 ratio, so the maximum capacity of a 16 MB cartridge will be 64 MB of compressed data. The maximum capacity of the rumored bulky drive would be 600 MB of compressed data. However, there is nothing to prevent compressed data from being placed on a CD-ROM - it's done all the time in fact. So let's see, 500 Megabytes times four equals 2000 Megabytes or 2 Gigabytes (GB)!
Nintendites tend to forget that it was NINTENDO that first began to hype the SIZE of a game in Megabits (mb, 128kb - NOT MB, 1024kb) as meaning 'bigger is better , more is best' way back with their NES games. If you believed that then, why don't you believe it now?
"There is more than one way to skin a cat," as the saying goes. The PlayStation and the Saturn possess a different architecture because they are, well, different. There is no rule that says all systems MUST have the same architecture or be produced using the same philosophy. ALL of my posts have been from the position that it is unwise to say a particular means of implementing a system is any better or worse than another, especially if each technique produces the same or equal results.
Being a Nintendo fan, perhaps you have bought into all the hype of the past year that there were ' many things the PlayStation can do that the Saturn just can't hope to match...' Yeah, right. Such is not the case. It has been well proven that the Saturn can match the best the PlayStation has to offer, and I believe in the end the potential of the Saturn's hardware far exceeds that of the PlayStation. But that's not the point. It doesn't matter how good the hardware is or isn't if the games developed for it do not use the full extent of that potential or deliver gameplay and fun for the player.
Both the PlayStation and Saturn will need software that pushes them to the limit in order to compete with the Nintendo64. Having what amounts to a 2-year headstart thanks to the delays in releasing Nintendo's system, programmers and developers will have a lot of fun using the most advanced techniques for accessing the power of PSX and Saturn, while still fiddling about with the basics of the Nintendo64.
If you look real close, you'll notice the Saturn has a dual RISC processor too and that they each run at 28 MHz, not 20. Dual processors and parallel processing does not a single processor make, however. The original Turbografx-16 actually had dual 8-bit processors, so it wasn't truly 16-bit. The TurboDuo received a true 16-bit processor. The Neo-Geo has an 8-bit processor and a 16-bit processor working together, but despite the claims of SNK, it is not a 24-bit system. The Genesis with Sega CD was a nice combination, but though each contained a 16-bit processor, that did not make the combo a 32-bit system. The Saturn and PlayStation each contain several 32-bit chips, but you do not add all the 32s together to come up with some ridiculous number. Since the Saturn with its dual MPU is not a 64-bit system, neither is the Jaguar or Nintendo64.
The NU64 is going to make the Saturn look the same the SNES made the Genesis look...and its going to be better than the PSX.
Yes, an incremental but not revolutionary improvement in technology. NOT an 'entirely new gaming experience' as Nintendo has led us to believe.
The arugement you are all having sounds like that bullshit argument that I used to have with my friends that made up excuses why Genesis's looked like shit after the SNES came out. The SNES is better than the genesis....why? becuase it came out a few years later. Sega is almost always the first to spew out there products...and Nintendo waits and watches untill its a few steps ahead of the other systems out there (expecially Sega) then it releases its system....which is why they are always better.
Some of us don't want to wait. If we see games we want to play NOW, we buy them. If we see games we want to wait for, we will. If you don't like the offerings from Sega, that is your prerogative, but some of us enjoy those choices.
The Super Nintendo used an 8/16-bit main processor running at about 5 MHz. The Genesis used a 16/32-bit MPU running at 8 MHz. If all you look at are the main processors, the Genesis is more powerful. However, when you place the CPU in a SYSTEM, the coprocessors are what make that system shine. Though Nintendo placed an inferior CPU in their SNES, they made sure to use superior coprocessors for graphics and sound. Their first games looked and sounded better than Genesis games, but suffered from lag and slowdown when compared to Genesis action titles. Nintendo began to make coprocessor chips standard issue for every single SNES cartridge, multiple DSPs and other accelerator chips to take the burden off the main CPU. The latest of these was the FX-chip. If this is your definition of 'always better' then fine, me, I don't agree.
Anyway It Seems to me that the only reason why Sega is selling is becuase of its comericals (which are quite good). But pritty soon its sales will start dropping off to the PSX and NU64 (when it comes out) just like the Genesis's dropped drastically when the SNES came out, then Sega will start making up shit to make there system look better ,like remember Blast processing? Segas answer to the FX chip. Well the FX chip was real, it was a clock speed doubler chip,and heatsink that was in the game cart and blast processing was and is well....NOTHING.
If it is still there (I think Sega may have deleted a lot of entries this weekend), check out post #302 at Sega's Saturn bulletin board for a complete idea of my views on SNES vs. Genesis and how that relates to Sega vs. Sony or Sega vs. Nintendo. I have already spoken about blast processing and the FX chip far more times than I would have liked. In fact, when you get to Sega's site check out all the posts there by Saturnman, Steffs and myself concerning the relationship of Sega's systems to others.
Now I'm going to stop going off now....but please before you bash a system or praise another get some Technical schematics and compare.
Hmmm... good advice. Perhaps you should follow it yourself.
Unta Glebin Gloutin Globin,
Red Ronin, The Cybernetic Samurai
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(AKA Red Ronin, The Cybernetic Samurai)
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